Art, especially painting, is a part of my being, and as much needed for my well-being as food! I enjoy working in multi mediums and being able to explore my feelings about the abstract and figurative by making a statement in any way
or mixture that best suits the subject. The main bulk of my work possibly relating to impressionism, light, mood, atmosphere, the moment, materials, texture, image, dimensions. Being a natural teacher, film making and photography have enabled me to share these experiences, here and abroad, with a huge audience.

I have been fortunate to have not only lived abroad, 8 years in the Aveyron, France, and summers in the Creuse for a further 6 years becoming an accepted "artist of the valley of the Creuse, but also visited and been a resident artist in the USA, Quebec, New Zealand, Cuba, Barbados, Norway, Hebrides, Ireland, to mention a few, plus stately homes and venues in the U.K

Peter Wood